Thursday, April 9, 2009

Healing in Toronto

This is the ‘Readers Digest’ version of my healing. With the Lords help and to the best of my ability, every word is true. Most of it can or has been documented. I submit this to you to judge for yourself.

In the first week of November 1998 my friend Melissa and I were flying in a small airplane from Detroit to Saginaw on the last leg of a trip home from Florida. This was during the worst windstorm of the year. The wings of the airplane were swinging above and below the airplane, out of control. I was trying to be nonchalant, but I knew we had a great chance of being toast within minutes.
For two years, I had been wearing three Catholic miraculous medals: the Virgin Mary, St. Jude and St. Michael the Archangel given to me by my friend Justine. As a rule, I never took them off, but while in Florida I took them off to wear other jewelry that belonged to Justine. We looked them over and locked them up for the week. At the end of the week, we got them out, looked them over and I put them back on.
During our stay in Florida, I had an outbreak of hives. An inconvenience to some, but I have had them for ten years and to me they are not only painful, disruptive in the full definition of the word, but they have the ability to be life threatening. The hives had been controlled with medication for a year and were well under control, so I was surprised to be afflicted with a considerable outbreak of them while on vacation.
As the airplane dipped and swayed that night, I clutched at those miraculous medals through my shirt. I prayed to St. Michael the Archangel. "Save us!" Instantly, the plane regained control. We landed safely. The wind was so strong outside the airport that I had to fight to get my truck door open, just walking was difficult. During the hour drive home from the airport we had to avoid many large branches that had fallen in the road.
The next morning when I got out of the shower, I discovered that the St. Michael medal, and ONLY the St. Michael medal, had changed color from silver to copper. Three of us had seen that it was silver the day before when I put it back on in Florida. Justine had told me about this phenomenon, so I called around. Finally, I got to speak to Father McGrath in the Florida Keys, and he explained that I should look at it as a blessing. So I did. But the entire incident got my curiosity up.
I began to read a book on the Lives of the Saints, which Justine had given me two years earlier. I wanted to find out about St. Michael the Archangel, and afterwards became fascinated with reading about the other Saints. How they suffered! They were skinned alive and boiled in oil! But they kept the faith. Were they nuts? Amazing.
I went over to the clinic to get treatment for the hives the day after I arrived home. There I was given a cortisone shot and a medrol dose pack (more cortisone) for treatment of the acute welts that were covering my body. A few days later I was back in the clinic with a side effect to the treatment known as cortisone psychosis. The treatment that I had used for years as a last resort for my hives was now not an option. I made an appointment with an allergy specialist who put me on loads of pills to control my condition in addition to the medication that I routinely take daily for depression and hypothyroid.
Three weeks later on Monday, November 30, 1998 my husband lost his job, we were threatened with eviction of our home of two years, we were sued for foreclosure of a home that we had left in Florida and the next day we were slandered in the newspaper and much more. I named that day Black Monday and thought about the Saints.
Forty days later, Tim began a better position and life returned to what I must call normal for lack of a better word. During this time, I grew closer to the Lord. I switched from the Lutheran Church to a 'spirit filled' Assembly of God. I got "re-baptized" stating that the last time I had done it in obedience and this time I did it for love. Over the next few months, we were able to buy our home and our foreclosure debt was miraculously reduced (with the help of an attorney) by $56,000.00.
I began to hear about God “moving" in Brownsville Assembly of God church in Pensacola, Florida and about great things that had happened in Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) church in Ontario. A burning desire to 'go and see' was kindled in me. We live within driving distance of TACF so that is where we went. Tim went with me. He went to church the first night (Thursday) with me but was very turned off by all of the hand lifting, praising, etc., and his comment had something to do with the necessity of spending three hours in church.
God was giving people gold teeth while I was in Toronto. (Only HE knows why, and I guess that it is another one of those unexplained blessings.) Pastor Bill Prankard was the speaker at most of the services that I was at and he said that "We have not because we ask not". I believed this and lay my hands on my cheeks and prayed for gold teeth with everyone else. I saw many people receive gold teeth. One boys tooth was filled who had never been to a dentist. I saw Holy oil drip from peoples hands. I saw people fall to the floor 'slain in the spirit' after prayer. I saw peoples bodies jerk in ways that could not be humanly maintained. I prayed that if this weirdness was not from God that I would be protected and only receive that which God had intended for me. I went out and bought a flashlight and a dental mirror. If God was giving gold teeth, I wanted some! God had other things in mind for me.
Saturday night of that week, Bill Prankard gave a special invitation for people who suffered chronic diseases such as depression to come up front to be prayed for. I jumped on it with about twenty other people. As he went down the line laying on hands and praying for people, they were falling under the power and laying on the carpet. I thought to myself "This is it! I'm going to fall and have an 'experience' with God!" When he came to me I told him that I suffered from depression, thyroid disease and hives. He put his hands on my head and prayed. I didn't fall down. I didn't feel anything. However, so Pastor Prankard wouldn't feel bad, I kneeled down, and then lay down to rest. Then I went home and checked my teeth.
Sunday, the next morning during praise and worship at TACF, the palms of my hands got hot and I audibly heard the words "GO HOME". I have heard my Masters voice once before, and I knew who was talking to me. I thought, "Right now?". It was my last day in Toronto so I thought that I would risk finishing out this service and the one in the evening. What does "GO HOME" mean? Does it mean that God wants me home in Oscoda? Does it mean that I should get out of Toronto? Does it mean that...? The palms of my hands were hot again that evening during service and also a few times after I returned home. Monday we returned home to Oscoda and I was happy to be in obedience.
Remember the load of pills that I am supposed to be taking? I forgot. I forgot for two months: I forgot to call in prescriptions, I forgot to pick them up, I remembered when I was away from the pills and forgot when I got close. I went to pick up my prescriptions and the pharmacist wanted $115.00 for a month of antidepressants. With Tim being a doctor, I knew that there was a way that I could get them cheaper and I didn't pick them up. I forgot to tell Tim. I told Tim but haven't seen any pills come through from the rep. Perhaps he forgot?
Anyway, last week it occurred to me that I didn't have any symptoms. I haven't had any medicine for two months, and I am symptom free. In general, I feel as good as when I faithfully take my allotment of pills every day. Truthfully, during the past two months I have had symptoms. In brief, I have been depressed for a time and I have had a few hives, but even when the symptoms were present, I either forgot to take my medicine or was compelled not to. Last week, I began to be suspicious that something was going on, but I was hesitant to claim it.
During this time, I learned from people that "hot hands" are a sign of the Holy Spirit, and have talked with two people that experience them, one person while praying for healing. I now think of them as "Holy Healing Hands".
While paging through my new Red Letter Study Bible two nights ago the words "GO HOME" jumped out at me. I got distracted and didn't look at it again until last night. Again, I found the words "GO HOME". After Jesus healed, he said "GO HOME". This happened many times in the Bible I soon discovered. The sermon that followed this revelation was on the healing of the ten lepers, and how the Samaritan returned to thank the Lord for his healing, and how when we are given a gift that we are to "Say so". Last night at church I thanked the Lord for my healing, my life, my salvation and for being a merciful King and friend to me. How do you thank someone who has done so much for you? Other than the obvious, the only thing that I know to do is to "Say so".
Here are some "GO HOME" verses that I found last night as confirmation to my miraculous healing.
1 Samuel 25:35 Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, GO HOME in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request.
2 Samuel 14:8 The king said to the woman, GO HOME, and I will issue an order in your behalf.
Matthew 9:6 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins then He said to the paralytic, Get up, pick up your bed and GO HOME.
Mark 2:11 I say to you, get up, pick up your pallet and GO HOME.
Mark 5:19 And He did not let him, but He said to him, GO HOME to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.
Luke 5:24 But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, He said to the paralytic I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher and GO HOME.
Two years after I wrote this article, I am symptom free and healthy.

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